“The 5 Biggest Lies You’ve Been Told About Food and Diabetes”
Read the Truth Below That Can Help You Lower Your Blood Sugar, Reduce Your Blood Pressure and Create Insane Amounts of Energy
(Rapid Results In As Little As 7 Days!)
Dear Friend,
What if you could forever vanquish needles, prescriptions and medication side effects - without pills, calorie counting or hunger?
Have you ever wondered if you could get back to a near-normal life, like you had before your diabetes diagnosis?
Do you sometimes dream of eating lusciously delicious meals without having to worry about your sugar spiking?
If so...
Then I hope you read every word of this letter because it will answer some of the biggest questions in your life right now, like...
How Much Longer Are You Willing To:
* Prick your fingers with painful and expensive needles everyday…
* Worry about all the long-term diabetes complications you might be developing...
* Face a 70-80% higher risk of stroke and heart disease...
* Feel guilty about food and your weight…
* Feel discouraged and depressed because you can't enjoy the lifestyle your friends do...
* Be overwhelmed by the daily care and vigilance the disease requires?
There is an answer that can change all of that, but it’s important to first understand that…
It May Not Be Your Fault If You’ve Got Diabetes
You've been lied to. I've been lied to. We've ALL been lied to.
For years, we've been told that eating fat was bad and carbs (including sugar) should be an important part of our daily diet.
As reported by TIME Magazine, “Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, the USDA treated fat as the primary harm in the American diet,” says [Dr.] Nestle. Along with its anti-fat stance—a stance researchers say was never grounded in science—the guidelines also encouraged Americans to eat hefty amounts of carbohydrates. The 1995 edition made bread, cereal, and pasta the foundation of its “Food Guide Pyramid,” and advised people to eat between six and 11 servings of grains every day, compared to just three to five servings of vegetables and two to four servings of fruit. Fat was to be eaten “sparingly.”
In another issue, TIME reported that "The new study analyzed nine papers that included more than 600,000 people and concluded that consuming butter is not linked to a higher risk for heart disease and might be slightly protective against type 2 diabetes. This goes against the longstanding advice to avoid butter because it contains saturated fat.
The Center for Disease Control reports that in 1958, around the time Dr. Keys' Fake Study was being spread around (more about that in a moment), less than 1% of Americans had type 2 diabetes. Today, after 60 years of the carb and sugar explosion, a whopping 35% of the U.S. population has diabetes or pre-diabetes.
For years, we’ve been fed a bunch of lies to go along with the fake food, and it's become DEADLY.
Here are five of the biggest lies we've been told...
Lie # 1 Type 2 Diabetes Is Not That Serious and Can Be Treated With Medication
Too many times we're told that "yes, diabetes is a disease, but it's not as serious as other diseases. And, of course, it can be treated with medication."
That's a BIG FAT LIE!
Diabetes kills more Americans each year than AIDS and breast cancer combined. That's on top of being one of the leading causes of heart disease, which is the #1 killer.
As many as 100,000 heart attacks, strokes, deaths and cases of heart failure may be directly attributed to the diabetes drug Avandia, according to FDA scientist Dr. David Graham. Yet physicians are still prescribing the drug. And that's just one of the many diabetes drugs.
Too many diabetes patients believe they can eat what they want because they've got medication to take care of it. Many diabetics on insulin increase their dosage before a meal of the wrong foods so they feel like they're covered. These practices are the type that leads to losing our sight, amputation of limbs, heart disease and an early death.
Dr. Amber Taylor, an endocrinologist and the director of the Diabetes Center at Mercy Medical Center, in Baltimore says, "Just because you take medication doesn't mean you can eat an unhealthy diet. We should all eat healthier foods, whether we have diabetes or not."
Fact is... the longer you remain stuck in the “Diabetes Trap” of continually “needing” more and higher doses of medications, the more long-term havoc your diabetes complications will wreak on your heart, kidneys, pancreas, brain, and the rest of your body.
The reality is your meds DON'T do anything to help your body get well. They DON’T do anything to help heal the source of your problem. But they DO turn you into a drug junky, and they DO have side effects that can be FAR WORSE than your condition itself!
So many diabetics have been told Lie #1 over and over again so much that they also believe this lie...
Lie # 2 Type 2 Diabetes is a Chronic, Progressive Disease That Cannot Be Reversed
According to the American Diabetes Association, "Type 2 diabetes is generally thought to be an irreversible chronic condition. Studies have shown that, with worsening blood glucose control, the disease is inevitably progressive. At diagnosis, patients are told to accept having a lifelong disease. Within 10 years of diagnosis, 50% of individuals need to use insulin to control their blood glucose levels."
With that kind of thinking, is it any wonder that when a new diabetes patient is diagnosed, the doctor just reaches for their prescription pad and starts prescribing drugs (some of which have proven to be dangerous, even deadly -- like Avandia).
In 2017, the diabetes "industry" in the U.S. alone was estimated at $237 BILLION. That's a BIG business -- almost twice as big as Amazon sales worldwide! And it's a lot of healthcare and DRUGS!
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out. It's a racket! If patients actually reversed their type 2 diabetes, then Big Pharma and the healthcare industry would LOSE $237 billion in income. It's in their best interests for you to keep pumping the insulin, taking the Avandia, Lantus, Januvia and the like.
But it's NOT in your best interests! In fact, in some cases, it's destroying your health, shortening your life and definitely affecting the quality of your life.
It's in YOUR best interest to either reverse your diabetes, or if your body has progressed too far over the years, too slow or stop further effects of the disease.
…the often-overlooked fact is that type 2 diabetes is completely preventable and nearly 100 percent curable.
Dr. Joe Mercola Mercola.com
Virta Health in collaboration with Indiana University Health is involved in a study with 262 patients. At 70 days, 92% of these patients remain in the program and HbA1c values were reduced from 7.5% to 6.5%, diabetes medications were reduced by more that 45%, and weight declined by 7%.
A dietary study by Newcastle and Glasgow Universities found almost half of participants reverted to a non-diabetic within a year.
There are numerous such examples of patients reversing type 2 diabetes and the most exciting part is some changes can be seen in the body in AS LITTLE AS 7 DAYS!
Don't accept the lie that diabetes can't be reversed. Get the facts!
Speaking of facts, here’s another instance of “fake news”…
Lie # 3 You Can Manage Your Blood Sugar and Even Diabetes By Just Eating in Moderation
The most dangerous lie is the one that has a kernel of truth in it.
The kernel of truth is that we should do most things in moderation. The exceptions are things like loving and laughing. Which we should do to excess.
But if you drank a moderate amount of arsenic every day, you'd be dead in a few days.
Because arsenic is POISON -- and some foods we eat are just like poison to a diabetic.
A diabetic CAN'T eat sugar in moderation -- it's like poison to our cells that have already been compromised.
It's important to understand this simple FACT of how your body works -- all carbohydrates you eat are converted by the body into sugar.
Now, our government recommends that we eat as much as 325 grams a day of carbohydrates. That would be considered eating in moderation.
But let’s do the math. When 325 grams of carbohydrates are converted by the body into sugar, it's the equivalent sugar of drinking ALMOST 10 CANS OF SODA A DAY!
Is it any wonder that 1 out of every 3 American adults has diabetes or pre-diabetes?
And before you fall for the lie that carbohydrates should make up the majority of your diet, you need to understand this lie...
Lie # 4 Your Body Needs Carbohydrates, Especially Whole Grains
Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt is a Swedish family doctor who has had remarkable success helping his patients get their blood sugar and their weight under control.
Here's what he says about our need for carbohydrates:
"Humans evolved over millions of years as hunter-gatherers, without eating large amounts of carbohydrates. We ate the food available to us in nature by hunting, fishing and gathering all the edible foods we could find. These foods did not include pure starch in the form of bread, pasta, rice or potatoes. We have only eaten these starchy foods for 5 – 10,000 years, since the development of agriculture. Only a limited adaptation of our genes takes place in such a relatively short time.
With the Industrial Revolution, 100 – 200 years ago, we got factories that could manufacture large amounts of pure sugar and white flour. Rapidly digested pure carbohydrates. We’ve hardly had time to genetically adapt to these processed foods."
Dr. David Perlmutter is a Board-Certified Neurologist, a Fellow of the American College of Nutrition and four time New York Times bestselling author. His book Grain Brain, The Surprising Truth About Wheat, Carbs and Sugar, has sold more than 1 million copies.
He is even more direct in his answer as to whether we need carbs: "While we definitely require protein and fat, the human requirement for dietary carbohydrate is none, none whatsoever."
While we definitely require protein and fat, the human requirement for dietary carbohydrate is none, none whatsoever.
Dr. David Perlmutter, 4-Time Best Selling Author of Grain Brain
When asked "What are the highest-impact changes you can make to your diet?" he answers, "Without question, what will have the highest impact from a dietary perspective is a radical reduction in carbohydrate consumption."
Both Dr. Eenfeldt, Dr. Perlmutter and many others in the health community do emphasize that we still need to get plenty of fiber in our diet. And by definition, fiber is a carbohydrate. But there are lots of great low carbohydrate foods to get our fiber from. Like avocados, berries, nuts, seeds and vegetables like Brussels sprouts and turnips.
And unlike other carbs, fiber will not raise your blood sugar. In fact, that's one of the things that makes it most desirable. When eaten with other foods the fiber helps slow the digestion which keeps blood sugar under control.
So, you ask yourself, "if I need to cut down on carbs what does that leave? Just proteins and fats. I've heard fats are bad for you so that doesn't leave much left to eat."
Well, the good news is that one of the biggest lies we've been told is...
Lie # 5 Eating Fatty Foods Will Make You Fat & Saturated Fats Cause Heart Attacks
What you have never known as you’ve grown up in modern America is the way popular science and public policy has influenced what makes its way to your kitchen table.
For years and years, we've been told by doctors, public health authorities, and the food industry that we should avoid consumption of butter, cheese, coconut products, and other foods high in saturated fat.
This "low-fat craze" that has long dominated the world of nutrition has led us all to believe that we should shun fats altogether, and instead eat more processed carbohydrates.
The result?
We're fatter than ever. We're sicker than ever. Childhood obesity rates have skyrocketed
The unfortunate chain of events that led to a national diabetes epidemic started less than sixty years ago…
The Fake News in 1955 That Has Caused Millions of Early Deaths
Dietary researcher Ancel Keys had a theory. He believed that a high fat diet was leading to an increase in instances of heart disease in the world. He set up a study in which 22 different countries were polled on their rates of heart disease and the amount of fat in the average citizen’s diet. The data yielded scattered results—of the 22 countries surveyed, Keys decided to only publish his work using the seven that directly supported his ideas about fat and heart disease.
In other words, he cheated! He threw out the results from most of the countries he studied because they didn’t agree with his results.
It was Keys’ fraudulent study, mostly unquestioned by our government at the time, that led to the demonization of healthy fats and the beginning of the low-fat diet craze (Remember Snackwells – they were fat free so we went crazy eating them. Now we find out two teaspoons of SUGAR in every serving).
The most interesting omission from Keys’ study was he left out one of the most obvious European countries – FRANCE.
And he left out France for good reason. Because it would have shown that his study was wrong in the first place.
Compared to the U.S., the French people are slender and have half the rate of diabetes.
How is that possible? They eat butter, bacon, cheese, whole eggs, fatty meats, and creamy sauces every day. In other words, their diet is loaded with (good) fats.
And that will help you to begin to understand that…
Fat Didn’t Make You Fat (and It Didn’t Cause Your Diabetes)
Fat, at its core, is not a bad thing. It occurs organically in nature and is a vital component of the human diet. There are two basic sources of fat—animal (lard, fish oil, butter) and vegetable (walnut, olive, sesame, peanut, coconut oil and the like). Saturated fats are those that are generally solid at room temperature and they release more energy when the body metabolizes them.
Normal saturated and unsaturated fats did not make you fat. They did not cause diabetes or heart disease. They are natural—they are from nature and a part of an organic, healthful diet.
With diabetes, your pancreas no longer secretes insulin or your pancreas secretes less insulin than your body requires because your body has become resistant to its effect. Insulin is responsible for allowing glucose into your body's cells. Without it, glucose builds up in your blood and causes all manner of destruction, even death.
Notice that neither of those conditions involves dietary fat. They both involve glucose, which is converted from the sugars and carbohydrates that we eat.
So here’s the take-home message: Fat doesn’t make you fat. Sugar makes you fat. Eating good fats can actually help you stay healthy.
Dr. Mark Hyman, Director of Cleveland Clinic’s Center for Functional Medicine and 10-time Best Selling Author
As you’re about to read, you can actually switch your body from burning glucose for energy to burning fat for energy. The less glucose your body has to process, the less insulin your body requires.
That process – switching your body over to burning fat for energy – has lots of other side benefits. It won’t only lower your blood sugar, it’ll cure some pretty bad diseases as I was to discover…
My Personal Discovery That Reversed My Fatty Liver Disease and Fought Off Diabetes
I began my research into the best eating plans for diabetics shortly after my college-age son was diagnosed with Type 2.
Little did I know that a few years later it would become even more important to me. At a routine annual physical I was diagnosed as pre-diabetic, with high cholesterol, even higher triglycerides and fatty liver disease.
I was more than a 100 lbs. overweight, with no energy and feeling miserable. My doctor pulled his prescription pad out and was about to send me home with a basket of new medications.
But I begged him for one more chance — anything to stay off the drugs. It wasn't just the added expense and the way they make me feel — it’s the very real possibility that some of those drugs may be worse for me than the condition they’re supposed to fix.
A prominent study published in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine found that Avandia (Rosiglitazone) increases a patient’s risk of heart attack by 43% — and death by a whopping 64% — compared to patients not on the drug.
This means that NOT taking Avandia actually IMPROVES a Type 2 patient’s chance of survival by more than 200%!
Another popular diabetes drug, Actos, has been associated with increased bladder cancer, according to the FDA.
My doctor agreed to give me a four-month reprieve but he made it very clear that if my numbers didn’t improve by then I’d need to go on medication. He later told me that he fully expected that I’d return in four months in the same or worse condition.
So you can imagine his surprise when my follow up blood test showed:
He was so amazed by the turnaround that he grilled me at length over what I’d done. I shared with him research I’d found by some leading authorities that was based on a plan created at one of America’s most prestigious health institutions…
Introducing: The Blood Sugar Breakthrough Developed Almost 100 Years Ago at The World-Famous Mayo Clinic!
The breakthrough I found was promoted in 1924 by Dr. Russell Wilder of the Mayo Clinic. He created what is called a "ketone-producing diet" as a treatment for epilepsy.
Now known as the ketogenic diet, Dr. Wilder's advice was pretty straightforward.
Patients consumed about 20% of their calories from protein, just 5% from carbohydrates (10-20 grams a day).
Believe it or not, the rest of their food intake (a whopping 75%) was from HEALTHY FATS.
Despite its surprising effectiveness for disease prevention, something sinister happened.
Over the following decades, updated research for Wilder's protocol seemed to magically vanish into thin air and it was gradually used less and less and fell completely off the radar.
If you're thinking that the food and medical industry along with government played a role in the censorship, you are 100% right.
In fact, Harvard University has admitted that three of its researchers accepted more than $50,000 in today's dollars from Big Sugar representatives to point their research away from sugar -- and towards fat -- as the culprit behind our disease explosion.
But the truth is beginning to be told, and it's not rocket science…
Ever since Dr. Wilder first used it over 90 years ago, more and more breakthrough research has been published supporting the therapeutic potential of the ketone producing diet for treating the following diseases:
* Obesity
* Type 2 diabetes
* Insulin Resistance
* Cancer
* Fatty Liver Disease
* Epilepsy
* Parkinson's and ALS
* Alzheimer's
* Metabolic Syndrome
* Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
* And even Acne
Epileptic patients have again discovered Dr. Wilder’s protocol and many consider it the best treatment today.
But for treating the other conditions, lots of debate has raged even though some of the detractors have to finally admit that it may be the best answer ever to managing insulin (and thus, blood sugar)…
So Why Isn’t Your Doctor Telling You About This?
The truth is some doctors DON'T KNOW about the latest protocols for managing or curing diseases like diabetes.
The insane demands of the health insurance companies keep doctors constantly running from patient room to patient room like they're on a hamster wheel.
They simply don't have the time to keep up with all the latest developments in medicine and health.
But for many doctors, it's because Big Pharma tells them what to dispense.
Nicole Van Groningen is an internal medicine physician at the University of California at San Francisco. This is what she wrote in the Washington Post:
"The last time you left your doctor’s office with a new prescription, you probably assumed she thoughtfully selected it as the best treatment for your condition. But if your doctor — like half of American physicians — accepts visits and the occasional free lunch from pharmaceutical representatives, there’s a good chance that drug choice was heavily biased.
In 2012, the pharmaceutical industry spent $24 billion marketing its premium branded drugs to health-care professionals — eight times the amount it spent on advertising to consumers."
The $50 BILLION dollar diabetes drug industry would lose a fortune if more doctors treated their patients with protocols like the Blood Sugar Breakthrough.
That’s 50 billion reasons why you’ve never been told about better options than the drugs you’re taking now.
Why else do you think they (and their shills) shout down proven, non-drug solutions like this one...
Now You Can Naturally and Safely Restore Your Blood Sugar and Insulin Levels to Normal
Stop and think about this:
What was the MAIN cause of your Type 2 diabetes?
In one word -- FOOD.
But not all food. Mainly those containing high carbohydrates but also those that are highly processed with artificial or fake ingredients.
So if food caused the condition, why can't food reverse it?
The TRUTH that Big Pharma and the Diabetes Industry don't want you to know is IT CAN!
By ONLY changing the food you eat, you can reduce your blood sugar levels and in some cases even REVERSE Type 2 diabetes.
Dr. Sarah Hallberg is the medical director and founder of the Indiana University – Arnett Health Medical Weight Loss Program explains why:
"Your blood insulin responds very differently to different macronutrients. Fat does not impact blood insulin levels. Carbs have a high impact, protein impacts them moderately, but fat? No impact!
Carbs and fats provide energy for the body. When carbs are limited in the diet, fat becomes the preferred and efficient fuel source. When you reduce your intake of one macronutrient, you have to increase your intake of at least one other macronutrient—otherwise you’ll feel hungry and not have enough energy.
The low-fat craze started with flawed science that incorrectly stated that fat was dangerous. In a low carb, high-fat diet, fat provides you with the energy your body needs, and also helps knock out hunger and cravings."
And as Dr. Hallberg writes, fat has NO impact on your blood sugar! And just as important, it knocks out hunger and cravings!
Fat does not impact blood insulin levels. Carbs have a high impact, protein impacts them moderately, but fat? No impact!
Dr. Sarah Hallberg, Founder of the Indiana University Arnett Health Medical Weight Loss Program
Since fat doesn't raise your blood sugar, your body needs less insulin. Since it manages your hunger, you eat less and voila -- your body needs less insulin.
As your body uses less insulin, it actually becomes more sensitive to it. Before you had diabetes you had high insulin sensitivity and low insulin resistance. With diabetes you have low insulin sensitivity and high insulin resistance.
When you change over to eating the right food formula, you literally begin to restore critical functions of your body.
And that formula is not some pie-in-the-sky theory. Look what it's done for real people...
It Worked For Halle Berry And Many, Many Others And It'll Work For You Too!
Being diabetic most of my life, I have always had to take food very seriously. So for years, I have been following the keto or ketogenic diet… I also believe it’s been largely responsible for slowing down my aging process. The keto lifestyle offers so many benefits such as weight loss, appetite control, more energy and better mental performance. If you’re like me, you can possibly reverse type 2 diabetes…
Halle Berry Instagram Post, January 26
And that's just one of many reasons to join the party as you're about to read...
Here’s How the Blood Sugar Breakthrough Will Benefit You:
In as little as 7 days you'll begin to experience changes in your body like it hasn't felt in years.
In a matter of months many people will restore the health of their bodies to the levels before diabetes struck. Some will no longer need insulin shots or medication to manage their blood sugar.
SIMPLY by just changing the food you eat, you can:
- Stabilize your blood sugar and restore your pancreatic functions to normal.
- Crush Cravings and hunger especially sugar cravings
- Stop the increasing cost of drugs, doctor visits, strips, pumps and the like.
- Feel lighter, healthier, look younger and be more energetic.
- Enjoy increased mental clarity, enthusiasm and vitality.
- Improve your important health markers like lower triglycerides, better cholesterol profile and lower blood pressure.
- Reset your metabolism and even reverse damaging metabolic syndrome
- Quickly convert your stored fat into a direct source of energy. You not only lose weight (which will lower blood sugar) but you'll be amazed at all the new-found energy you'll have.
- Reduce or eliminate painful migraine headaches.
- Eliminate the tension, anxiety, and exhaustion from diabetes, in a matter of days.
- Rebalance your gut and even your hormones.
In short, you'll experience a breakthrough in your body and your health that could be bigger than anything that's happened in your life. Shed that old diabetic body and replace it with a new, youthful and drug-free one.
It's all possible with...
A Complete Program Including Recipes to Create Your Blood Sugar Breakthrough
Here are the five tools you need for your Blood Sugar Breakthrough.
Each tool has been specifically crafted to make it simple for you to get started quickly and to stay on track.
Here are the tools you need to say goodbye to
X expensive drugs and doctor visits,
X endless finger pricks and test strips and
X the fear of having your life cut needlessly short.
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We make it real simple. Blood Sugar Breakthrough will work for you or you won't pay!
In as little as 7 days you'll experience energy like you haven't had in years.
You'll watch as your blood sugar starts to tumble down to the normal range you had before diabetes.
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The only thing you've got to lose is the old diabetic lifestyle. Get started with the new, healthy you TODAY...
Which Of These Three Choices Will Get You What You Want?
When I'm faced with a decision, I like to look at all my options. Here's what I see:
Option #1: Do nothing
As the familiar saying goes, "doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity.
Your diabetes medication only treats the symptoms of diabetes. It does NOTHING to address the cause.
And it's been proven over and over again, many diabetic medications can actually shorten your life and seriously affect the quality of your life.
Option #2: You can take what you learned today and try it out yourself
You can take the proven principles I shared with you today and begin studying everything you can find on the subject.
Then you can come up with a plan that you hope will help you get some decent results.
This is better than option #1 but it's a bit of a hit or miss gamble. And do you have the time (and patience) for the hours and hours of research?
Then there is a third option...
Option #3: Don’t decide right now
Instead, take advantage of this offer to TRY it, 100% risk free today…
Download and start to use “The Blood Sugar Breakthrough” for just 39 bucks today……and try it out.
Believe me, you'll know in the first 60 days whether it'll work for you. In fact, many people will begin to see and FEEL results in as little as 7 days!
If you don't think it's working for you, you can get every penny refunded, with no questions asked. You simply have nothing to lose -- except all those nasty problems caused by your diabetes.
And THEN decide whether it is worth it. And within the next 60 days, should you feel it is isn’t, you can get every cent back. You have nothing to risk.